forthcoming writings
Scott has been writing quite a bit of text over the past year, some of which is coming out in the next few months.
- Forthcoming book edited by Mine Doğantan-Dack on rethinking musical instruments includes an article by Scott on 'The Material Clarinet'. This examine the specific perspective of this project on the clarinet, as a physical system of thresholds and attractors, and how that intersects with existing clarinet performance technique.
- Forthcoming book from the Orpheus Institute on Sound Work edited by Jonathan Impett, thinking composition in relation to Philip Agre's ideas of 'critical technical practice' (from computational science). Scott wrote a chapter for this that walks through the compositional process two pieces (one from this project, and a piece for prepared double-bass) in terms of materiality and indeterminacy.
- Forthcoming journal article that emerged from the Performing Indeterminacy conference (2017) that outlines the concept of 'material indeterminacy' which underpins this project; edited by Emily Payne, Martin Iddon, and Philip Thomas.
- Scott also wrote an article on indeterminacy and improvisation (which doesn't yet have a home) that examines how improvisation sits in Experimental Music (via Cage and Lucier), and discusses the responsive approach to improvisation in this project.
- Not directly part of this project—but covering similar territory—is a new article co-written with Mira Benjamin and Zubin Kanga that looks at the intersection of technique (of indeterminacy and materiality) across composition and performance. Specifically in works written for these two performers. This article is freely available online.
- Composing Technique, Performing Technique in JAR 23.
Watch this space for when these become available.